Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

when the god proclaimed to the Delians by the oracle that, if 
they would get rid of a plague, they should construct an altar 
double of the existing one, their craftsmen fell into great 
perplexity in their efforts to discover how a solid could be made 
double of a (similar) solid; they therefore went to ask Plato 
about it, and he replied that the oracle meant, not that the god 
wanted an altar of double the size, but that he wished, in 
setting them the task, to shame the Greeks for their neglect 
of mathematics and their contempt for geometry.’ 1 
Eratosthenes’s version may well be true; and there is no 
doubt that the question was studied in the Academy, solutions 
being attributed to Eudoxus, Menaechmus, and even (though 
erroneously) to Plato himself. The description by the pseudo- 
Eratosthenes of the three solutions by Archytas, Eudoxus and 
Menaechmus is little more than a paraphrase of the lines about 
them in the genuine epigram of Eratosthenes, 
£ Do not seek to do the difficult business of the cylinders of 
Archytas, or to cut the cones in the triads of Menaechmus, or 
to draw such a curved form of lines as is described by the 
god-fearing Eudoxus.’ 
The different versions are reflected in Plutarch, who in one 
place gives Plato’s answer to the Delians in almost the same 
words as Eratosthenes, 2 and in another place tells us that 
Plato referred the Delians to Eudoxus and Helicon of Cyzicus 
for a solution of the problem. 3 
After Hippocrates had discovered that the duplication of 
the cube was equivalent to finding two mean proportionals in 
continued proportion between two given straight lines, the 
problem seems to have been attacked in the latter form 
exclusively. The various solutions will now be reproduced 
in chronological order. 
(/3) Archytas. 
The solution of Archytas is the most remarkable of all, 
especially when his date is considered (first half of fourth cen 
tury b. c.), because it is not a construction in a plane but a bold 
1 Theon of Smyrna, p. 2. 3-12. 
2 Plutarch, Be E apud Delphos, c. 6, 886 E. 
3 Be genio Socratis, c. 7, 579 c, n.

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