Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

problem of the two mean proportionals by means of the points 
of intersection of any two of these conics. 
But, if we add the first two equations, we have 
x 2 + y 2 — bx —ay = 0, 
which is a circle passing through the points common to the 
two parabolas x 2 = ay, y 2 = hx. 
Therefore we can equally obtain a solution by means of 
the intersections of the circle x 2 + y 2 — bx — ay = 0 and the 
rectangular hyperbola xy = ab. 
This is in effect what Pinion does, for, if AF, AG are the 
coordinate axes, the circle x 2 + y 2 — hx — ay= 0 is the circle 
BDHC, and xy = ah is the rectangular hyperbola with 
AF, AG as asymptotes and passing through D, which 
hyperbola intersects the circle again in H, a point such 
that FD = HG. 
(i) Diodes and the cissoid. 
We gather from allusions to the cissoid in Proclus’s com 
mentary on Eucl. I that the curve which Geminus called by 
that name was none other than the curve invented by Diodes 
and used by him for doubling the cube or finding two mean 
proportionals. Hence Diodes must have preceded Geminus 
(fl. 70 B.c.). Again, we conclude from the two fragments 
preserved by Eutocius of a work by him, nepl nvpeicor, On 
burning-mirrors, that he was later than Archimedes and 
Apollonius. He may therefore have flourished towards the 
end of the second century or at the beginning of the first 
century b.c. Of the two fragments given by Eutocius one 
contains a solution by means of conics of the problem of 
dividing a sphere by a plane in such a way that the volumes 
of the resulting segments shall be in a given ratio—a problem 
equivalent to the solution of a certain cubic, equation—while 
the other gives the solution of the problem of the two mean 
proportionals by means of the cissoid. 
Suppose that AB, DC are diameters of a circle at right 
angles to one another. Let E, F be points on the quadrants 
BD, BG respectively such that the arcs BE, BF are equal. 
Draw EG, FH perpendicular to DC. Join GE, and let P be 
the point in which GE, FH intersect.

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