or added i. e. if one compounds or adds) is the turning of
a:b into (a + h):h (14). Separation, SLaipecns (SieXovn =
separando) turns a:h into (a—b):b (15). Conversion, dva-
arpotyr] {dvaarpk^avTL — convertendo) turns a:h into a:a — h
(16). Lastly, ex aequali (sc. distantia), Sl’ i'crov, and ex aequali
in disturbed proportion (er rerapay pevp dvaXoyia) are defined
(17, 18). If a:b = A:B, h:c = B : C... h:l = K : L, then
the inference ex aequali is that a :l = A : L (proved in V. 22).
If again a:b = B :C and b :c = A : B, the inference ex aequali
in disturbed proportion is a: c = A : C (proved in V. 23).
In reproducing the content of the Book I shall express
magnitudes in general (which Euclid represents by straight
lines) by the letters a, b, c ... and I shall use the letters
m, n, p... to express integral numbers: thus rna, mb are
equimultiples of a, b.
The first six propositions are simple theorems in concrete
arithmetic, and they are practically all proved by separating
into their units the multiples used.
11. ma + mb + me + ... = m (a + b + c + ...).
15. ma — mb = m {a — b).
5 is proved by means of 1. As a matter of fact, Euclid
assumes the construction of a straight line equal to 1 /mth of
ma—mb. This is an anticipation of VI. 9, but can be avoided;
for we can draw a straight line equal to m (a — b); then,
by 1, m{a—b)+mb = ma, or ma—mb = m{a — b).
(2. ma + na+2 M + ... = {m + n+p+ ...)a.
(6. ma — na—{m — n)a.
Euclid actually expresses 2 and 6 by saying that ma ± na is
the same multiple of a that mb ± nb is of b. By separation
of m, n into units he in fact shows (in 2) that
ma + na = (m + n) a, and mb + nb = (m + n) b.
6 is proved by means of 2, as 5 by means of 1.
3. If m .na, m.nb are equimultiples of na, nb, which are
themselves equimultiples of a, b, then m. na, m. nb are also
equimultiples of a, b.
By separating m, n into their units Euclid practically proves
that m. na = mn. a and m.nb = mn. b.