Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

wards (1846). 1 The table, now broken into two unequal parts, 
is in the Epigraphical Museum at Athens. The facts with 
regard to it are stated, and a photograph of it is satisfactorily- 
produced, by Wilhelm Kubitschek. 2 A representation of it is 
also given by Nagl 3 based on Rangabë’s description, and the 
sketch of it here appended follows Nagl’s drawing. The size 
and material of the table (according to Rangabë’s measure 
ments it is 1-5 metres long and 0-75 metre broad) show that 
it was no ordinary abacus ; it may 
have been a fixture intended for 
quasi-public use, such as a banker’s 
or money-changer’s table, or again 
it may have been a scoring-table 
for some kind of game like tric 
trac or backgammon. Opinion has 
from the first been divided between 
the two views ; it has even been 
suggested that the table was in 
tended for both purposes. But there 
can be no doubt that it was used 
for some kind of calculation and, 
if it was not actually an abacus, it 
may at least serve to give an idea 
of what the abacus was like. The 
difficulties connected with its in 
terpretation are easily seen. The 
series of letters on the three sides are the same except 
that two of them go no higher than X (1000 drachmae), 
but the third has F (5000 drachmae), and T (the talent or 
6000 drachmae) in addition; H is the sign for a drachma, 
I for an obol (|th of the drachma), C for -|-obol, T for f-obol 
(TeraprrjfxopLov, Boeckh’s suggestion), not ^-obol (TpLTrjpopiov, 
Vincent), and X for |-obol (yaA/coOs). It seems to be 
agreed that the four spaces provided between the five shorter 
lines were intended for the fractions of the drachma ; the first 
space would require 5 pebbles (one less than the 6 obols 
making up a drachma), the others one each. The longer 
1 Revue archéologique, iii. 1846. 
2 Wiener numismatische Zeitschrift, xxxi. 1899, pp. 398-8, with 
Plate xxiv. 
3 Ahh. zur Gesch. d. Math. ix. 1899, plate after p. 857. 
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