Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

e area of the 
exhausts the 
gures ‘ in the 
this purpose 
with the same 
added to the 
Le number of 
ie segment, 
scribed ‘ in the 
■ the point of 
lei to Qq, and 
q. H QV, Vq 
, rm be drawn 
jurve in R, r, 
5 of the next 
lized manner’, 
acting FQ, Pq 
= 2 RY. 
’Qq■ (Prop. 21.) 
next addition 
As PRQ, Prq, 
(Prop. 22.) 
are is greater 
7er before the 
ent at P and 
larallel to PV, 
the triangle PQq is half of the parallelogram and therefore 
more than half the segment. And so on (Prop. 20). 
We now have to sum n terms of the above geometrical 
series. Archimedes enunciates the problem in the form, Given 
a series of areas A, B,C,D ... Z, of which A is the greatest, and 
each is equal to four times the next in order, then (Prop. 23) 
A + B + G+... + Z+±Z=±A. 
The algebraical equivalent of this is of course 
i+è+(i) a +...+(ir- 1 = l-.-l(è)' 
To find the area of the segment, Archimedes, instead of 
taking the limit, as we should, uses the method of reductio ad 
Suppose K = f. A PQq. 
(1) If possible, let the area of the segment be greater than K. 
We then inscribe a figure ‘in the recognized manner’ such 
that the segment exceeds it by an area less than the excess of 
the segment over K. Therefore the inscribed figure must be 
greater than K, which is impossible since 
A + B + G+ ...+Z < §A, 
where A = A PQq (Prop. 23). 
(2) If possible, let the area of the segment be less than K. 
If then A PQq = A, B = ^ A, G = \B, and so on, until we 
arrive at an area X less than the excess of K over the area of 
the segment, we have 
A+B+C+ ... +X + $X = $ A=K. 
Thus K exceeds A + B + G + ... + X by an area less than X, 
and exceeds the segment by an area greater than X. 
It follows that A + B + G + ... + X > (the segment); which 
is impossible (Prop. 22). 
Therefore the area of the segment, being neither greater nor 
less than K, is equal to K or f A PQq. 
On Floating Bodies, I, II. 
In Book I of this treatise Archimedes lays down the funda 
mental principles of the science of hydrostatics. These are

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