Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

Geminus pages 222-284 
Attempt to prove the Parallel-Postulate . . . 227-230 
On Meteorologica of Posidonius . . . . 231-232 
Introduction to the Phaenomena attributed to Geminus 232-234 
Cleomedes, De motu circulari ..... 235-238 
Nicomachus ..... ... 238 
Theon of Smyrna, Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad 
legendum Platonem utilium ..... 238-244 
LEMY 245-297 
Theodosius ......... 245-246 
Works by Theodosius ....... 246 
Contentis of the Sphaerica ...... 246-252 
No actual trigonometry in Theodosius . . . 250-252 
The beginnings of trigonometry ..... 252-253 
Hipparchus 253-260 
The work of Hipparchus 254-256 
First systematic use of trigonometry .... 257-259 
Table of chords 259-260 
Menelaus 260-273 
The Sphaerica of Menelaus ..... 261-273 
(a) ‘ Menelaus’s theorem ’ for the sphere . . 266-268 
(ft) Deductions from Menelaus’s theorem . . 268-269 
(y) Anharmonic property of four great circles 
through one point 269-270 
(ô) Propositions analogous to Eucl. VI. 3 . . 270 
Claudius Ptolemy ........ 273-297 
The MndriunTiKtj (jvvTa^ii (Arab. Almagest) . . . 273-286 
Commentaries ....... 274 
Translations and editions ..... 274-275 
Summary of contents ...... 275-276 
Trigonometry in Ptolemy ...... 276-286 
(a) Lemma for finding sin 18° and sin 36° . . 277-278 
(ft) Equivalent of sin 2 d + cos 2 d = 1 . . . 278 
(y) ‘Ptolemy’s theorem’, giving the equivalent of 
sin (d — c/j) = sin d coscj) — cos d sin 0 . . . 278-280 
(Sj Equivalent of sin 2 -|d = i(l — cosd) . . . 280-281 
(e) Equivalentof cos{d + <£) = cosdcos(/) — sindsin<p 281 
(£) Method of interpolation based on formula 
sin a/sin ft < «/ft > « > ft) . . .281-282 
(77) Table of chords 283 
(d) Further use of proportional increase . ■ . 283-284 
(i) Plane trigonometry in effect used . . . 284 
Spherical trigonometry : formulae in solution of 
spherical triangles ....... 284-286 
The Analemma ........ 286-292 
The Planisphaerium ....... 292-293 
The Optics ......... 293-295 
A mechanical work, Uepl pon5>v ..... 295 
Attempt to prove the Parallel-Postulate . . . 295-297

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