Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

only : ft is simply the line to which the rectangle equal to QT 72 
and of width equal to P V is applied. 
2. Parallel chords are bisected by one straight line parallel to 
the axis, which passes through the point of contact of the 
tangent parallel to the chords. 
3. If the tangent at Q meet the diameter PV in T, and Q V be 
the ordinate to the diameter, PV — PT. 
By the aid of this proposition a tangent to the parabola can 
be drawn (a) at a point on it, (b) parallel to a given chord. 
4. Another proposition assumed is equivalent to the property 
of the subnormal, NG — \ft a . 
5. If QQ' be a chord of a parabola perpendicular to the axis 
and meeting the axis in M, while QVq another chord parallel 
to the tangent at P meets the diameter through P in V, and 
RHK is the principal ordinate of any point P on the curve 
meeting PV in H and the axis in K, then PV:PH > or 
— MK; KA ; ‘ for this is proved ’ {On Floating Bodies, II. 6). 
Where it was proved we do not know; the proof is not 
altogether easy. 1 
6. All parabolas are similar. 
As we have seen, Archimedes had to specialize in the 
parabola for the purpose of his treatises on the Quadrature 
of the Parabola, Conoids and Spheroids, Floating Bodies, 
Book II, and Plane Equilibriums, Book II; consequently he 
had to prove for himself a number of special propositions, which 
have already been given in their proper places. A few others 
are assumed without proof, doubtless as being easy deductions 
from the propositions which he does prove. Th'ey refer mainly 
to similar parabolic segments so placed that their bases are in 
one straight line and have one common extremity. 
1. If any three similar and similarly situated parabolic 
segments BQ X , BQ 2 , BQ 3 lying along the same straight line 
as bases (PQi < BQ 2 < BQ 3 ), and if E be any point on the 
tangent at B to one of the segments, and EO a straight line 
through E parallel to the axis of one of the segments and 
meeting the segments in R 3 , P 2 , R 1 respectively and BQ 3 
in 0, then 
R 3 R 2 : R 2 R, = {Q 2 Q z : BQ 3 ). {BQ 1 : Q, Q 2 ). 
1 See Apollonius of Perga, ed. Heath, p, liv.

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