Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

We may contrast with this proposition of Theodosius the 
corresponding proposition in Menelaus’s Sphaerica (III. 15) 
dealing with the more general case in which O', instead of 
being the tropical point on the ecliptic, is, like B', any point 
between the tropical point and D. If R, p have the same 
meaning as above and r x , r 2 are the radii of the parallel circles 
through B' and the new C', Menelaus proves that 
sin a Rp 
sin a' r x r 2 ’ 
which, of course, with the aid of Tables, gives the means 
of finding the actual values of a or a' when the other elements 
are given. 
The proposition III. 12 of Theodosius proves a result similar 
to that of III. 11 for the case where the great circles AB'B, 
AG'C, instead of being great circles through the poles, are 
great circles touching ‘ the circle of the always-visible stars ’, 
i.e. different positions of the horizon, and the points O', B' are 
any points on the arc of the oblique circle between the tropical 
and the equinoctial points ; in this case, with the same notation, 
4 is! : 2 p > (arc BC) : (arc B'G'). 
It is evident that Theodosius was simply a laborious com 
piler, and that there was practically nothing original in his 
work. It has been proved, by means of propositions quoted 
verbatim or assumed as known by Autolycus in his Moving 
Sphere and by Euclid in his Phaenomena, that the following 
propositions in Theodosius are pre-Euclidean, I. 1, 6 a, 7, 8, 11, 
12, 13, 15, 20 ; II. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 a, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 ; 
III. lb, 2, 3, 7, 8, those shown in thick type being quoted 
word for word. 
The beginnings of trigonometry. 
But this is not all. In Menelaus’s Sphaerica, III. 15, there 
is a reference to the proposition (III. 11) of Theodosius proved 
above, and in Gherard of Cremona’s translation from the 
Arabic, as well as in Halley’s translation from the Hebrew 
of Jacob b. Machir, there is an addition to the effect that this 
proposition was used by Apollonius in a book the title of 
which is given in the two translations in the alternative

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