Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

raw' DK parallel 
angle BKD, and 
the circle. 
re a < (3 < 
Q. E. D. 
treatise can be 
xed, which have 
•e A), the earth 
eclipse. Fig. 1 
vely to the earth’s 
rehending the sun 
re B along which 
dividing circle in 
the moon in the 
. Fig. 2 shows 
red the shadow; 
iat of two moons 
n touches BN at 
of the arc ON. 
diameter of the 
ble cone with B 
and the moon, 
while Y, Z are the points in which the perpendicular through 
A, the centre of the sun, to BA meets the cone enveloping the 
sun and the earth. 
This being 
Prop. 13. 
premised, the main results obtained are as 
ON: (diam. of moon) <2:1 
> 88:45.

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