Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

education for centuries. The geometrical or mensurational 
books in particular gave scope for expansion by multiplication 
of examples, so that it is difficult to disentangle the genuine 
Heron from the rest of the collections which have come down 
to us under his name. Hultsch’s considered criterion is as 
follows : ‘ The Heron texts which have come down to our 
time are authentic in so far as they bear the author’s name 
and have kept the original design and form of Heron’s works, 
but are unauthentic in so far as, being constantly in use for 
practical purposes, they were repeatedly re-edited and, in the 
course of re-editing, were rewritten with a view to the 
particular needs of the time.’ 
List of Treatises. 
Such of the works of Heron as have survived have reached 
us in very different ways. Those which* have come down in 
the Greek are : 
I. The Metrica, first discovered in 1896 in a manuscript 
of the eleventh (or twelfth) century at Constantinople by 
R. Schöne and edited by his son, H. Schöne (Heronis Opera, iii, 
Teubner, 1903). 
II. On the Dioptra, edited in an Italian version by Venturi 
in 1814 ; the Greek text was first brought out by A. J. H. 
Vincent 1 in 1858, and the critical edition of it by H. Schöne is 
included in the Teubner vol. iii just mentioned. 
III. The Pneumatica, in two Books, which appeared first in 
a Latin translation by Comraandinus, published after his 
death in 1575; the Greek text was first edited by Thévenot 
in Veterum mathematicorum opera Graece et Latine édita 
(Paris, 1693), and is now available in Heronis Opera, i (Teub 
ner, 1899), by W. Schmidt. 
IV. On the art of constructing automata (nepi avroparo- 
■jroLTjTLKrjç), or The automaton-theatre, first edited in an Italian 
translation by B. Baldi in 1589 ; the Greek text was included 
in Thëvenot’s Vet. math., and now forms part of Heronis 
Opera, vol. i, by W. Schmidt. 
V. Belopoeïca (on the construction of engines of war), edited 
1 Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque impériale, xix, pt. 2, 
pp. 157-337.

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