by B. Baldi (Augsburg, 1616), Thdvenot {Vet. math.), Kochly
and Rlistow (1853) and by Wescher {Poliorcétique des Grecs,
1867, the first critical edition).
VI. The Cheirobalistra {"Hpoovos xeipofSaWiarpas KaraaKeurj
Kai crupper pia (?)), edited by Y. Prou, Notices et extraits, xxvi. 2
(Paris, 1877).
VII. The geometrical works, Definitiones, Geometria, Geo-
daesia, Stereometrica I and II, Mensurae, Liber Geeponicus,
edited by Hultsch with Variae collectiones {Heronis Alexan
drini geometrioorum et stereometricorum reliquiae, 1864).
This edition will now be replaced by that of Heiberg in the
Teubner collection (vols. iv, v), which contains much addi
tional matter from the Constantinople manuscript referred to,
but omits the Liber Geeponicus (except a few extracts) and the
Geodaesia (which contains only a few extracts from the
Geometry of Heron).
Only fragments survive of the Greek text of the Mechanics
in three Books, which, however, is extant in the Arabic (now
edited, with German translation, in Heronis Opera, voi. ii,
by L. Nix and W. Schmidt, Teubner, 1901).
A smaller separate mechanical treatise, the BapovXKos, is
quoted by Pappusd The object of it was ‘ to move a given
weight by means of a given force ’, and the machine consisted
of an arrangement of interacting toothed wheels with different
At the end of the Dioptra is a description of a hodometer for
measuring distances traversed by a wheeled vehicle, a kind of
taxameter, likewise made of a combination of toothed wheels.
A work on Water-clocks {vrepi vSpicor wpouKOTreiwv) is men
tioned in the Pneumatica as having contained four Books,
and is also alluded to by Pappus. 2 Fragments are preserved
in Proclus {Hypotyposis, chap. 4) and in Pappus’s commentary
on Book V of Ptolemy’s Syntaxis reproduced by Theon.
Of Heron’s Commentary on Euclid's Elements only very
meagre fragments survive in Greek (Proclus), but a large
number of extracts are fortunately preserved in the Arabic
commentary of an-Nairizi, edited (1) in the Latin version of
Gherard of Cremona by Curtze (Teubner, 1899), and (2) by
1 Pappus, vili, p. 1060. 5. 2 lb., p. 1026. 1.