Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

Substituting in (1) the value a 2 ±b for A, we obtain 
2 a 
Heron does not seem to have used this formula with a nega 
tive sign, unless in Stereom. I. 33 (34, Hultsch), where -/(63) 
and again, if |((/ 0 + & 0 ) — a u 2H/(« 0 + 5 0 ) = 
o A 
±{a i + h 1 )>^A> , 
Uj ~T C/j 
and so on. 
Now suppose that, in Heron’s formulae, we put a = X 0 , A/a = x 0 , 
oq = X 1} A/<x x = x lt and so on. We then have 
x 1 = ^-«+^J = | ( x 0 +x 0 ) , 
21 A^o + x 0 i 
2X 0 ,r 0 _ 
A o + x„ 
that is, Xj, aq are, respectively, the arithmetic and harmonic means 
between X 0 , x 0 ; X 2 , a? 2 are the arithmetic and harmonic means between 
*i , x x , and so on, exactly as in Alexeieff’s formulae. 
Let us now try to apply the method to Archimedes’s case, \/3, and we 
shall see to what extent it serves to give what we want. Suppose 
we begin with .8 > 1. We then have 
|(3 + 1) >v/3>3/-|(8 + 1), or 2>v / 3>i], 
and from this we derive successively 
i>v3>¥. u>>w. mu>U3>urn- 
But, if we start from #, obtained by the formula «+ —-■ < V(a 2 + b), 
2a+1 v ' 
we obtain the following approximations by excess, 
1(1+1) = H, *(«+tt)-w- 
The second process then gives one of Archimedes’s results, I^ 1 -, but 
neither of the two processes gives the other, directly. The latter- 
can, however, be obtained by using the formula that, if then 
a ma + nc c 
b mb + nd d 
For we can obtain -iM from and -W- thus : ■ + - - ——, or from 
14 06 97 5b + 97 158 
M and ; thus: 
11.56-4 612 
be obtained from j§|A| and | J thus: 
1060 265 . 
= r—k ; and so on. Ur again can 
18817 + 97 
10864 + 56 
The advantage of the method is that, as compared with that of con 
tinued fractions, it is a very rapid way of arriving at a close approxi 
mation. Günther has shown that the (m + l)th approximation obtained 
by Heron’s formula is the 2 ,u th obtained by continued fractions. (‘ Die 
quadratischen Irrationalitäten der Alten und deren Entwickelungs- 
methodeu' in Abhandlungen zur Geech. d. Math. iv. 1882, pp. 83-6.)

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