Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

lines and he observes that, ‘ as the problem is clearly not 
rational, we shall, for practical convenience, make the division, 
as exactly as possible, in the follow 
ing way.’ HR is the side of an 
equilateral triangle inscribed in the 
circle. Let CD be the parallel 
diameter, 0 the centre of the circle, 
and join AO, BO, AD, DB. Then 
shall the segment ABD be very 
nearly one-third of the circle. For, 
since AB is the side of an equi 
lateral triangle in the circle, the 
sector OAEB is one-third of the 
circle. And the triangle AOB forming part of the sector 
is equal to the triangle ADB; therefore the segment ABB 
'plus the triangle ABD is equal to one-third of the circle, 
and the segment ABD only differs from this by the small 
segment on BD as base, which may be neglected. Euclid’s 
proposition is to cut off one-third (or any fraction) of a circle 
between two parallel chords (see vol. i, pp. 429-30). 
III. 19 finds a point D within any triangle ABC such that 
the triangles DBC, DC A, DAB are all equal; and then Heron 
passes to the division of solid figures. 
The solid figures divided in a given ratio (besides the 
sphere) are the pyramid with base of any form (III. 20), 
the cone (III. 21) and the frustum of a cone (III, 22), the 
cutting planes being parallel to the base in each case. These 
problems involve the extraction of the cube root of a number 
which is in general not an exact cube, and the point of 
interest is Heron’s method of approximating to the cube root 
in such a case. Take the case of the cone, and suppose that 
the portion to he cut off at the top is to the rest of the cone as 
m to n. We have to find the ratio in which the height or the 
edge is cut by the plane parallel to the base which cuts 
the cone in the given ratio. The volume of a cone being 
TC 2 h, where c is the radius of the base and It the height, 
we have to find the height of the cone the volume of which 
. rc 2 h, and, as the height h' is to the radius c' of 
its base as h is to c, we have simply to find h' where

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