Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

the other, he. it is shown that broken lines, consisting of 
several straight lines, can be drawn with two points on the 
base of a triangle or parallelogram as extremities, and of 
greater total length than the remaining two sides of the 
triangle or three sides of the parallelogram. 
Props. 40-2 show that triangles or parallelograms can be 
constructed with sides respectively greater than those of a given 
triangle or parallelogram but having a less area. 
Section (4). The inscribing of the five regular solids 
in a sphere. 
The fourth section of Book III (pp. 132-62) solves the 
problems of inscribing each of the five regular solids in a 
given sphere. After some preliminary lemmas (Props. 43-53), 
Pappus attacks the substantive problems (Props. 54-8), using 
the method of analysis followed by synthesis in the case of 
each solid. 
(a) In order to inscribe a regular pyramid or tetrahedron in 
the sphere, he finds two circular sections equal and parallel 
to one another, each of which contains one of two opposite 
edges as its diameter. If d be the diameter of the sphere, the 
parallel circular sections have cl' as diameter, where d 2 = | d' 2 . 
(b) In the case of the cube Pappus again finds two parallel 
circular sections with diameter d' such that d 2 =-|d' 2 ; a square 
inscribed in one of these circles is one face of the cube and 
the square with sides parallel to those of the first square 
inscribed in the second circle is the opposite face. 
{(■) In the case of the octahedron the same two parallel circular 
sections with diameter d' such that d 2 = f d' 2 are used; an 
equilateral triangle inscribed in one circle is one face, and the 
opposite face is an equilateral triangle inscribed in tire other 
circle but placed in exactly the opposite way. 
(d) In the case of the icosahedron Pappus finds four parallel 
circular sections each passing through three of the vertices of 
the icosahedron; two of these are small circles circumscribing 
two opposite triangular faces respectively, and the other two 
circles are between these two circles, parallel to them, and 
equal to one another. The pairs of circles are determined in

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