Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

[The pages are those of the first volume except where otherwise stated.] 
«j3u£, d&driov 47. 
ayecopeTpTjTos, -ov: diyecoperp^ros ptj- 
Sels elcrirm (Plato) iii. 355. 
dSietjirrjToi, -ov, that cannot be gone 
through, i.e. infinite 843. 
ddiivaros, -ov ii. 462 ; dnaywyi) els 
dbvvarov, SiC. 372. 
airrjpa, postulate 373. 
diKovcrpariKol 11. 
dXoyos, -ov, irrational 84, 90: nep\ 
dXoyatv ypufipujv kcii vucttmv (Demo 
critus) 156-7, 181 : dXoyoi dxTTrep 
ypappal (Plato) 157. 
dvdXijppa II. 287. 
dvdXoyov, proportional: used as ad 
jective 85. 
dvaXvdpevos (tottos), Treasury of 
Analysis 421—2, ii. 399, 400, ii. 
^ 426. 
dvdnaXiv, inversely 385 : dvanaXiv 
X{ais ii. 400. 
dvciarpexj/avri (dvncrrpefo)), COnver- 
tendo 386. 
dvaarpoipr], conversion ih. 
dvaa-rpofiKos (roTrosj, a class of locus 
ii. 185. 
’AvacpopiKos by Hypsicles419, ii. 213. 
dveXirreiv ii. 244. 
d£cov, axis 341. 
ddpLcrros, -ov, undefined : nXrjdos po- 
VaScoV dopKTTOV (= unknown, x) 
94, ii, 456 : evdopicmp ii. 489, 491. 
dnayayr], reduction 372 : dm. els 
dhvvarov, reductio ad absurdum 
dmddeigis, proof 370, ii. 533. 
dmoK.a.Ta<TTaTiKos,-r],-6v, recurring 108. 
dmofTTnoLs, distance or dimension 
305 n., or interval 306 n. 
(lp8t]Xos, ‘shoemaker’s knife’ ii. 23, 
ii. 101-2, ii. 371-7. 
dpL0pr]TiKr], theory of numbers, opp. 
to XoyiariKi) 13-16. 
O O 
a pió pannos, -r), -6v : dpiûprjTiKf] elaa- 
yayi] of Nxcomachus 97. 
dpiópós, number : definitions of 
‘number’ 69-70: in Diophantus, 
used for unknown quantity (x) 
> 94, ii. 456. 
dpidpoxTÓv : reciprocal of dpi6p6s 
(=x) in Diophantus ii. 458. 
cipneSovánTai, ‘rope-stretchers’ 121— 
2, 178. 
apprjros, -ov, irrational 157. 
dpruiKís ciprios, even-times-even 71, 
with Neo-Pythagoreans =2", 72. 
dipruiKis Tvepirrós, even-times-odd 72. 
dprione'pLTTos, even-odd, restricted 
by Neo-Pythagoreans to form 
2 (2 m+ 1), 72. 
dprios, -a, ov, even 70. 
’Apxai, a lost work of Archimedes 
ii. 81. 
'AarpoQeaLai of Eratosthenes ii. 109. 
darpoXd/Sov dpyavov of Hipparchus 
^ ii. 256. 
dcrvpperpos, -ov, incommensurable 
dxvpirraros, -ov, non-secant ii. 227. 
davvderos, -ov, incomposite 72. 
dropos, -ov, indivisible 181 ; Aristo 
telian jrep'i drópcov ypappûiv 157, 
dr ottos, -ov, absurd ii. 462. 
av^áveiv : rp'is avadéis (Plato) 306-7. 
av£i), rplrri, 297 ; /cújScov av£t], 297. 
av^rjcris 305-6 n. 
avroparoTToiyriKi] 11. 308. 
áx/rís, segment of circle less than a 
semicircle ii. 314. 
BapovXrds of Heron ii. 309, ii. 346-7. 
BeXoTToÜKá of Heron 18, ii. 298, ii. 
302, ii. 308-9. 
fiid&iv ; iSepuia-ptvos, forced or un 
natural ii. 362. 

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