Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

ßmfxiiTKos, ‘little altar’, properly a Î 
wedge-shaped solid ii. 319, ii. 388 : 
measurement of(Heron), ii. 332-3 : 
(= crcpjivicrKos) of a certain kind 
of solid number 107, ii. 240, ii. 
ye<aS.ito-t«=mensuration 16. 
Tecanerpoiipeva of Heron ii. 318, ii. 
■yXcoyts' (arrow-head), Pythagorean 
name for angle 166. 
yvatpovini] 18. 
yvcaputv, gnomon, q.v. : kcitii yviopova 
=perpendicular 78, 175. 
yvcopLgos, -ov, known : yviüpigov, an 
alternative term for 8e8opevov, 
given ii. 537. 
yvwpinws, ‘ in therecognized manner’ 
ii. 79. 
ypdppn, ‘figure’ or proposition, of 
theorem of Euch 1. 47, 144. 
ypapprj : 8ta or in TÛ)V ypappûv of 
theoretical proof ii. 257, 258. 
ypapgiKos, -r], -ov, linear : used of 
prime numbers 73 : ypappuon 
èmardaeis, ‘ Considerations on 
Curves ’, by Demetrius ii. 359 : 
ypagpiKcbs, graphically 93. 
ypdcf)(iv, to draw or write on 159, 
173 : also to prove 203«., 339. 
èedopévus, -t], -ov, given : senses of, 
ii. 537-8. 
8eiKvvvai, to prove 328. 
8ecv : Ssc 8r] 371. 
devrepos, secondary : of composite 
numbers 72 : Sevrepa pupids ( = 
10,000 2 ) 40. 
8taßr]rr]s, compasses 308, ii. 540. 
8unp(iv : 8l(X6vti, separando or divi- 
dendo (in transformation of ratios) 
èiaipecriç : Xdyov, separation of a 
ratio 386: ne pi Siaipeaecov ßißXiov, 
On divisions {of figures), by 
Euclid 425. 
Sidaram?, dimension : nepl buia-rd- 
aeens, a work of Ptolemy ii. 295. 
8ui(TTJ]pn, interval 215 : distance 
ôtnuXoy, ‘race-course’: representa 
tions of square and oblong num 
bers as sums of terms 114. 
8i86vai : 8e8opévov, given, senses ii. 
8ie^o8iKos (jonos), a species of locus 
ii. 185. 
8uardvai : e<p' ev (heard)?, extended 
one way ii. 428, 
8i.Ko\ovpos, -ov, twice-truncated 107. 
dionrpa, dioptra, q.v. 
8lOnTplKt] 18. 
8iopi(eiv: OLwpujpivr) ropt), Deter 
minate Section, by Apollonius 
ii. 180. 
8iopi(rpos, definition, delimitation : 
two senses (1) a constituent part 
of a theorem or problem 370, 
(2) a statement of conditions of 
possibility of a problem 303, 319— 
20, 371, 377, 395, 396, 428, ii. 45- 
6, ii. 129-32, ii. 168, ii. 230. 
8in\di(TOTr]s, double-equation (Dio- 
phantus) ii. 468. 
8urXovi, -rj, -ouv : SinXy pvpids — 
10,000 2 (Apollonius) 40: 8m\ij 
lerorgs, 8inXt] ’icrcocris, double-equa 
tion (Diophantus) ii. 468. 
8okU-, beam, a class of solid number 
107, ii. 240. _ 
8ok.6s = 8okls 11. 315. 
8pax/xr], sign for, 31, 49, 50. 
bvvapis : incommensurable side of 
square containing a non-square 
number of units of area 203-4 : 
square or square root 209 n., 
297 : square of unknown quantity 
{—x 2 ) (Diophantus) ii. 457-8: 
bwdpei, ‘in. square’ 187, 308: 
rerpanXij divapis = eighth power 
(Egypt) ii. 546 ; power in 
mechanics 445. 
8wapo8vvapLs, square - square = 
fourth power (Heron) ii. 458: 
fourth power of unknown (Dio 
phantus) ii. 458, ii. 546. 
8uviipoK.v(ios, square-cube, = fifth 
power of unknown (Diophantus) 
ii. 458. 
j 8vvapo<jrov, 8vvapo8vvapoaTov, &C., 
reciprocals of powers of unknown 
(Diophantus) ii. 458. 
8vvaa6ai,to be equivalent ‘ in square ’ 
to, i. e. to be the side of a square 
equal to (a given area): 8vvnpevrj 
| 8vva<nevopevg, Opp. to 8vvapevr] 
305-6 n. 
| Soy, ‘ figure ’ of a conic ii. 
139: ‘ species’ = particular power

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