Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

making ii. 18, on Aristarchus’s 
hypothesis ii. 8-4. 
Conics, propositions in, 438-9, 
ii. 122-6. 
Cubic equation solved by conics 
ii. 45-6. 
On Democritus 180, 827, 
equality of angles of incidence 
and reflection ii. 353-4, integral 
calculus anticipated ii. 41-2, 61, 
62-3, 74, 89-90; Lemma or Axiom 
of A. 326-8, ii. 35 : vevaeis in, ii. 
65-8 (Pappus on, ii. 68): on semi 
regular solids ii. 98-101: triangle, 
area in terms of sides ii. 103: 
trisection of any angle 240-1. 
Archytas 2, 170, 212-16, ii. 1 : on 
fj.adrjfj.nTn 11, on logistic 14, on 1 
as odd-even 71: on means 85, 86: 
no mean proportional between n 
andn+1, 90,215: on music 214; 
mechanics 213 : solution of pro 
blem of two mean proportionals 
214, 219, 245, 246-9, 334, ii. 261. 
Argyrus, Isaac, 224 n., ii. 555. 
Aristaeus : comparison of five regu 
lar solids 420 : Solid Loci (conics) 
438, ii. 116, 118-19. 
Aristaeus of Croton 86. 
Aristarchus of Samos 43, 139, ii. 1- 
15, ii. 251 : date ii. 2 : cn<d(]nj of, 
ii. 1 : anticipated Copernicus ii. 
2-3: other hypotheses ii. 3, 4: 
treatise On sizes and distances of 
Sun and Moon ii. 1, 3, 4-15, tri 
gonometrical purpose ii. 5 : num 
bers in, 39 : fractions in, 43. 
Aristonophus, vase of, 162. 
Aristophanes 48. 161. 220. 
Aristotelian treatise on indivisible 
lines 157, 346-8. 
Ax-istotherus 348. 
Aristotle 5, 120, 121 : on origin of 
science 8 : on mathematical sub 
jects 16-17 : onfii-st principles,de 
finitions, postulates, axioms 336-8. 
Ai’ithmetic: reckoning by tens 
26-7, why 1 is odd-even 71 : 2 
even and px-ime 73 : on Pytha 
goreans and numbex’S 67-9 : on 
the gnomon 77-8, 83. 
Astronomy : Pythagorean sys 
tem 164-5, on hypothesis of con- 
centi’ic spheres 329. 335, ii. 244. 
on Plato’s view about the earth 
On the continuous and infinite 
342-3 ; proof of incommensura 
bility of diagonal 91: on principle 
of exhaustion 340 : on Zeno’s 
paradoxes 272, 275-7, 278-9, 282: 
on Hippocrates 22 : encomiunx on 
Democritus 176. 
Geometry : illustrations from, 
335, 336, 338-40, oxx parallels 
339, proofs differing from Euclid’s 
338-9, propositions not in Euclid 
340, on quadratures 184-5, 221, 
223, 224 n., 271, on quadratux-e 
by lunes (Hippocrates) 184-5. 
198-9: on Plato and regular 
solids 159 : curves and solids in 
A. 341. 
Mechanics 344-6,445-6: parai- 
lelogi’am of velocities 346 : ‘Aris 
totle’s wheel’ ii. 347-8. 
Aristoxenus 24 n., 66. 
Arithmetic (l j = theory of numbers 
(opp. to \oyinTiKTj) 13—16 : early 
‘Elements of Arithmetic’ 90, 216: 
systematic tx'eatises, Nicomachus 
Introd. Ar. 97-112, Theon of 
Smyrnal 12-3, Iamblichus,Co oxixi. 
on Nicomachusll3-15, Domninus 
ii. 538. (2) Practical arithmetic : 
originated with Phoenicians 120- 
1, in primary education 19-20. 
Arithmetic mean, defined 85. 
Arithmetica of Diophantus 15-16, 
ii. 449-514. 
Arithmetical operations: see Addi 
tion, Subtraction, &c. 
Arrow of Zeno 276, 280-1. 
Aryabhatta 234. 
Asclepius of Tx-alles 99. 
Astronomy in elementai’yeducation 
19 : as secondary subject 20-1. 
Athelhard of Bath, fix-st translator 
of Euclid 362-4. 
Athenaeus 144, 145. 
Athenaeus of Cyzicus 320-1. 
‘Attic’ (or ‘Herodianic’) numerals 
August, E. F. 299, 802, 361. 
Autolycus of Pitane 348 : works 
On the moving Sphere 348-52, On 
Risings and Settings 352-3 : rela 
tion to Euclid 35Î-2. 
Auverus, C. ii. 26. 
Axioms : Aristotle on, 336 ; = Com 
mon Notions in Euclid 376 : Axiom 
of Archimedes 326-8, ii. 35. 
system oi 
gesimal 1 
Bachet, edi 
454-5, ii. 
Bacon, Eogx 
Baillet, J. ii 
Baldi, B. ii. 
Barlaam ii. 
Bax-ocius ii. 
Barrow, I., i 
70 : on Be 
Bathycles D 
Baynard, D. 
Benecke, A. 
Benedetti, G 
Bertrand, J. 
Bessarion ii. 
Besthorn, E. 
Bjornbo, A. 
Blass, C. 29£ 
Blass, F. 18£ 
Boeckh, A. I 
Boetius 37, 
Euclid 351 
Boissonade i 
Bouxbelli, Ex 
Borchax-dt, I 
Borelli, G. A 
Bouillaud (I 
288, ii. 291 
Breton (de C 
ii. 539. 
Brochard, V. 
Brougham, I. 
Brugsch, H. 
Bryson 219, i 
Burnet, J. 20 
Butcher. S. I 
Cajori, F. 281 
Calculation, ] 
46-8, addil 
52, multip 
52- 3 (Eussi 
53- 8, divis: 
of square n 
63-4. ii. 34 
Callimachus 1

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