Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

9450 : 23409 
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in the case 
of the hyperboloid the portion within the solid of the line 
joining the vertex of the enveloping cone to the vertex of 
the segment and produced, and in the case of the spheroids the 
line joining the points of contact of the two tangent planes 
parallel to the base of the segment. Definitions are added of 
a ‘ segment of a cone ’ (the figure cut off towards the vertex by 
an elliptical, not circular, section of the cone) and a ‘ frustum 
of a cylinder’ (cut off by two parallel elliptical sections). 
Props. 1 to 18 with a Lemma at the beginning are preliminary 
to the main subject of the treatise. The Lemma and Props. 1, 2 
are general propositions needed afterwards. They include 
propositions in summation, 
2 [a + 2a + 3a+ ... + na] > n .na > 2 [a + 2a + ... + (n— 1)«} 
(this is clear from S n = \n (n + l)a) ; 
(n + 1) (na) 2 + a(a + 2a + 3a+ ... + na) 
= 3 [a 2 + (2a) 2 + (3a) 2 + ... + (na) 2 } ; 
(Lemma to Prop. 2) 
whence (Cor.) 
3 [a 2 + (2a) 2 + (3a) 2 + ... + (na) 2 } > n(na) 2 
> Z[a 2 + (2a) 2 + ... + (n~ la) 2 } ; 
lastly, Prop. 2 gives limits for the sum of n terras of the 
series ax + x 2 , a. 2 x + (2x) 2 , a. 3x + (3 x) 2 ,..., in the form of 
inequalities of ratios, thus : 
n {a. nx + (nx) 2 } : {a . rx + (rx) 2 } 
> (a + nx) : (%a + ^nx) 
I > n{a . nx + (nx) 2 } [a. rx + (rx) 2 ]. 
Prop. 3 proves that, if QQ' be a chord of a parabola bisected 
at V by the diameter P V, then, if P V be of constant length, 
the areas of the triangle PQ(/ and of the segment PQQ' are 
also constant, whatever be the direction of QQ'to prove it 
Archimedes assumes a proposition ‘ proved in the conics ’ and 
by no means easy, namely that, if QD be perpendicular to PV, 
and if p, p a be the parameters corresponding to the ordinates 
parallel to QQ' and the principal ordinates respectively, then 
QV 2 :QD 2 =p:p a . 
Props. 4-G deal with the area of an ellipse, which is, in the

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