Uolic segments,
srs in the same
segments only,
ired of any two
sntre of gravity
bion. It is the
iple equation in
s' the centre of
of the two seg-
these segments,
since the centres
segments divide
HH' is parallel
f gravity of the
tat K, the point
rama 3 to Prop.
L V = A V. But
ame ratio as G
) = m.AV.
le triangle ABB'
(dividing out by
f gravity of the
die! chords PF',
ad the diameter
actively, Archi-
r e equal parts of
to N than M is),
the centre of gravity G of the portion of the parabola between
PP' and BB' divides LM in such a way that
LG-.GM = BO 2 . (2 PJy + BO): PN 2 . (2 BO + PUT).
The geometrical proof is somewhat difficult, and uses a very
remarkable Lemma which forms Prop. 9. If a, b, c, d, x, у are
straight lines satisfying the conditions
а Ъ c j \
1= c = d ia>h>C>d) •
d _ x
a — d f (a — c) у
■. 2<x-( _ 46-)-6c-( _ 3cZ у
and ; = s
5a+ 106 + 10c + 5d a — c
then must x + y = f a. j
The proof is entirely geometrical, but amounts of course to
the elimination of three quantities b, c, d from the above four
The Sand-reckoner (Psammites or Arenarius).
I have already described in a previous chapter the remark
able system, explained in this treatise and in a lost work,
’Ap-fcai, Principles, addressed to Zeuxippus, for expressing very
large numbers which were beyond the range of the ordinary
Greek arithmetical notation. Archimedes showed that his
system would enable any number to be expressed up to that
which in our notation would require 80,000 million million
ciphers and then proceeded to prove that this system more
than sufficed to express the number of grains of sand which
it would take to fill the universe, on a reasonable view (as it
seemed to him) of the size to be attributed to the universe.
Interesting as the book is for the course of the argument by
which Archimedes establishes this, it is, in addition, a docu
ment of the .first importance historically. It is here that we
learn that Aristarchus put forward the Copernican theory of
the universe, with the sun in the centre and the planets
including the earth revolving round it, and that Aristarchus
further discovered the angular diameter of the sun to be 7-totli
of the circle of the zodiac or half a degree. Since Archimedes,
in order to calculate a safe figure (not too small) for the size