In other cases <p{n) may be defined by a formula, such as ( — !)”, which
ceases to define for some values of x at any rate (as here in the case of
fractional values of x with even denominators, or irrational values). But it
may be possible to transform the formula in such a way that it does define
for all values of x. In this case, for example,
( — l) re = cos mr,
if n is an integer, and the problem of interpolation is solved by the function
cos XTT.
In other cases 0 (x) may be defined for some values of x other than
positive integers, but not for all. Thus from y—n n we are led to y—x x .
This expression has a meaning for some only of the remaining values of x.
If for simplicity we confine ourselves to positive values of x, x x has a
meaning for all rational values of x, since
according to the definition of fractional indices adopted in elementary
algebra. But when x is irrational x x has (so far as we are in a position to
say at the present moment) no meaning at all. Thus in this case the
problem of interpolation at once leads us to consider the question of
extending our definitions in such a way that x x shall have a meaning even
when x is irrational. We shall see later on how the desired extension may
be effected.
Again consider the case in which
y = \ .2 ...n=n\
In this case there is no obvious formula in x which reduces to n! for x=n,
as x! means nothing for values of x other than the positive integers. This
is a case in which attempts to solve the problem of interpolation have led to
important advances in mathematics. For mathematicians have succeeded in
discovering a function (the Gamma-function) which possesses the desired
property and many other interesting and important properties besides.
45. Finite and infinite classes. Before we proceed further
it is necessary to make a few remarks about certain ideas of an
abstract and logical nature which are of constant occurrence in
Pure Mathematics.
In the first place, the reader is probably familiar with the
notion of a class. It is unnecessary to discuss here any logical
difficulties which may be involved in the notion of a ‘class’:
roughly speaking we may say that a class is the aggregate or
collection of all the entities or objects which possess a certain
property, simple or complex. Thus we have the class of British
subjects, or red-headed Germans, or positive integers, or real