Full text: A course of pure mathematics

is sufficient to consider the curve formed by two straight lines 
meeting to form an angle (Fig. 43). 
The reader will verify at once that in 
this case {<f>(x + h) — (f)(x)}/h has the 
limit tana as h-*-0, if x<x 0 , but the 
limit tan /3 if x > x 0 . And 
{<£ (x 0 + h) - <j> (x 0 )]/h 
has no limit as A^O. In fact it has Fig. 43. 
the limit tan /3 if h-*~0 by positive 
values and the limit tana if A-*-0 by negative values. 
This is of course one of the cases in which a curve might reasonably be 
said to have two directions at a point. But the following example, although 
more difficult, shows conclusively that there are cases in which a continuous 
curve cannot be said to have either one definite direction or several directions 
at one of its points. Draw the graph of the function x sin (1/#) (Fig. 16, 
Ch. II). The function is not defined for # = 0 and so is discontinuous for 
x=0. But (Exs. xxxviii. 17) the function defined by the equations 
(f> (x) = x sin (1 jx) (a?4= 0), (f) (x)=0 {x = 0) 
is continuous for .r = 0: and the graph of this function, if it could be drawn 
completely (and we can draw it quite adequately enough to obtain a general 
idea of its appearance) would satisfy our common sense intuition of what a 
continuous curve should be like*. 
But 4>{x) has no derivative for x=0. For </>'(0) would be, by definition, 
lim {(f> (h) - $ (0)}//i or lim sin (1 Jh) and this limit does not exist. The reader, 
on studying the figure carefully, will probably agree that the curve does not 
look as if it had a tangent or a definite direction at the origin. 
It has even been shown that a function of x may be continuous and yet 
have no derivative for any value of x. But the proof of this is much more 
difficult; the reader who is interested in the question may be referred to 
Bromwich’s Infinite Series, pp. 490-1, or Hobson’s Theory of Functions 
of a Real Variable, pp. 620-5. 
(3) Rates of Variation. There is another general point of 
view from which the notion of the derivative of a function </>(#) 
may be considered. Let us suppose that OM, measured along 
OX, represents the value of x, and ON, measured along OY, 
represents the value of y = f>{x): so that the corresponding point 
on the graph of </>(&•) is obtained by completing the rectangle 
OMPN. Further, let us imagine the variation of x as taking 
* No doubt it is a somewhat peculiar curve, but there is obviously no breach of 
continuity. The apparently arbitrary assignment of the value 0 to (p (x) for a; = 0 
is in reality natural enough—it merely amounts to the filling in, so to say, of a 
single point previously missing in the curve y = a;sin (1 jx).

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