115. Algebraical Functions. We naturally pass on next to
the question of the integration of algebraical functions. We shall
confine our attention to explicit algebraical functions (Ch. II, § 16).
We have to consider the problem of integrating y, where
y is an explicit algebraical function of x. It is however con
venient to consider an apparently more general integral, viz.
j R (x, y) dx,
where R(x, y) is any rational function of x and y. The greater
generality of this form is only apparent, since (Ex. xv. 6) the
function R{x, y) is itself an algebraical function of x. The choice
of this form is in fact dictated simply by motives of convenience;
such a function as
{x + \j(ax 2 + 2bx + c)]/{x — a/ (ax- + 2 bx + c)}
is far more conveniently regarded as a rational function of x and
the simple algebraical function *J(ax 2 -f 2bx + c), than directly as
itself an algebraical function of x.
116. Integration by substitution and rationalisation.
It follows from equation (4) of § 114 that if j"yfr(x)dx = (f>(x), then
|V 1/(0} f'(t)dt = <f> {/(0} (i).
This equation supplies us with a method for determining the
integral of yfr(x) in a large number of cases in which the form of
the integral is not directly obvious. It may be stated as a rule as
follows: put x=f(t), where f(t) is any function of a new variable
t which it may be convenient to choose ; multiply by f (t) and
determine (if possible) the integral of [f(t)j f'(t); express the
result in terms of x. It will often be found that the function of t
to which we are led by the application of this rule is one whose
integral can easily be calculated. This is always so, for example,
if it is a rational function, and it is very often possible to choose
the relation between x and t so that this shall be the case. Thus
the integral of R(\Jx), where R denotes a rational function, is
reduced by the substitution x = t- to the integral of 2tR (t 2 ),
i.e. to the integral of a rational function of t. This method of
integration is called integration by rationalisation, and is of
extremely wide application.