138. Any diametral plane of a surface having a center
is parallel to the tangent plane applied at the extremity of
the diameter to which it is conjugate.
Taking the center for origin, the equation to the surface
will be
ax* + by 2 + cz 2 + 2a'yz + 2ft'zx + 2c xy + d = 0;
therefore the equation to the tangent plane at a point ocyz is
(Cor. l, Art. 107),
{a x + h'z + cy) (x' - x) + {by + a z + ex) {y - y)
+ (cz + a!y + b’x) {z' — z) = 0,
or {ax + b' z + cy) x + {by + az + ex) y + {cz + ay + b' x)z
+ d — 0 ;
and if it be applied at the extremity of the diameter whose
equations are x = mz, y = nz, the equation becomes
{am + cn + b')x + {bn + cm + a) y + (c+ h'm + an)z + - = 0,
and therefore (Art. 18) represents a plane parallel to the
diametral plane which is conjugate to the diameter x - mz,
y = nz, the equation to which is (putting a" = b" = c" = 0,
in the equation Art. 137)
{am + c n + b') x + {bn + cm + a) y + (c 4 b'm + an)z'= 0.
This result might have been foreseen ; because the straight
lines in which a diametral plane and a tangent plane at the
extremity of the conjugate diameter are cut by any plane
through that diameter, must, by the nature of lines of the
second order, be parallel to one another.
139. We shall now proceed to the reduction of the
general equation of the second degree
ax” + by 2 + cz 2 +2n'yz+2b'zx+2c'xy+2a"x+2b"y+ 2c"z+d = 0,