must satify these two equations; that is, they must satisfy
» = v<p(a) + yf(a) + ^ (a),
0 = oo\<p'(a) + &c.} + y \f (a) + &c.} + \J/' (a) + &c. ;
or if the planes be consecutive, making ¿a = 0, the equations
to their line of intersection are
* - M(p{a) + yf(p) + ^ («) (0»
0 = ¿v 0' (a) + yf (a) + y\/ (a) (2) ;
and the general equation to developable surfaces will result
from eliminating a between these equations; but as the
elimination cannot be effected without fixing the forms of the
functions (p, /, \Js, that is, without particularizing the surface,
we must retain the above system to represent this family
of surfaces, regarding a in the former as a function of cc and y
to be determined by the latter.
Cor. Hence the differential equation to developable
surfaces can be obtained; for, differentiating (l) successively
with respect to ce and y, regarding a as a function of co and y
to be determined from (2), we have
p = (p{a)+ {#<£'(«) +#/(«) +'/''(«)}
<1 =/(«) + {•»$'(«) + yf i a ) +'K(«)}
which by virtue of equation (2) are reduced to
p = p(a), $=/(a);
and since p and q are functions of the same quantity, they
are functions of one another,
••• P = *■(?),
which is the differential equation of the first order to de
velopable surfaces, containing one arbitrary function; this
may be made to disappear by differentiating the equation