211. To find the requisite conditions for a contact of
the first, second, &c, order, between two surfaces.
If two surfaces, referred to the same origin and axes,
pass through the same point, the co-ordinates of which are
¿v, y, z; and if we change oo into oc + h, and y into y + /r,
the equation to the first surface will give for the value of
the new ordinate,
z + ph + qlc + 1 (rhr + 2 shk + tk?) + &c.
and the equation to the second surface
z + Ph + Qk + 1 (Rh 2 + 2Shk + Tit) + &c.;
the distance of the surfaces, measured in the direction of their
ordinates, will therefore be expressed by
(P-p)h + (Q-q)Ic + ^{(R-r)h 2 +2{S-s)hk + (T-t)k 2 }+&iC.
If we suppose the equation to the second surface to
contain a certain number of arbitrary constants, we may
determine them so as to make the first terms of this dis
tance vanish; and it will follow that any other surface, for
which these terms do not disappear, cannot be situated
between the two former with reference to the points which
are contiguous to their common point; at least so long as
we take h and 1c so small, that the sum of the terms of
the first order may be more considerable than that of all
the terms of succeeding orders. When we have P — p = 0,
Q - q = o, the surfaces will have a contact of the first order ;
if besides these, we have R — r = 0, S - s = 0, T — i = 0,
the contact will be of the second order, and so on.