Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Vol. 1)

What is the present value of an annuity of £50 on the longest of 
two lives; one a male aged 35, the other a female aged 40 ? (Chester 
5 per cent.) 
(Tables. Prob.)a 35 = 13.1892 
do. a i0 = 13.3287 
26. 5179 
Table 23. «35.«= 10.6690 
792.445 = £792 8 11. 
147. To find the present value of a deferred annuity on the longest 
of any number of lives. 
If the annuity be deferred n years, the first payment will have to be 
received at the end of n +1 years ; the present value of which is found 
by multiplying the present value of £l due at the end of ?i+l years 
by the probability of the existence of the survivor at the end of that 
term; and the present value of any other payment is found in like 
manner by multiplying the probability of the event on which the pay 
ment depends taking place, by the present value of £l due the num 
ber of years that must lapse before the payment will be due; the several 
terms of the series in Art. 143 represent these values; and the sum of 
them all after the first n terms will be the value of the deferred annuity; 
the sum of these terms in the first perpendicular column is 
Pm, n+1 7' n+1 +p m< n+2 r n+2 + p m , n+3 r n + 3 + &c,, 
which, by Art. 133, is the present value of an annuity deferred n years 
on a life aged m, and the suras in the other columns also evidently re 
present values of deferred annuities ; if therefore, in the formula obtained 
for the value of an annuity to be continued for the whole term of life, 
we substitute the present values of deferred annuities for the present 
values of immediate annuities for the term of each life, the expression 
for the required value of the deferred annuity will be obtained. 
148. When there are three lives the formula is 
^(m) d" ^(m.) 4“ &(m 9 ) ^(m, m.) m 2 ) U(m, t m \ 4“ ¿?(m, m,, m 9 ) • 
1« In "Jn 1 In -]n * 1 n 1 in 
149. And for the longest of two lives the expression is 
^(m) 4" m.) ■> 
150. If the annuity depend on the joint existence of the lives during 
the n years that the annuity is deferred, the formula will be

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