Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Vol. 1)

« 50 =13.0950 
«45.50 = 9.823 
log 17.6532 = 1.2468234 
log. ¿ 4 ._] 0 g. / 35 +log r 10 - 1.8004510 as in last example. 
— 1.9105034 do. 
0.9577778 = 9.0736 
log l M — log l i0 
453. 680 = £453 13'7.' 
151. To find the value of a temporary annuity on any number of 
Rule. Find the value of the annuity for the whole term of life, and 
of the annuity deferred as many years as the temporary annuity is to 
continue ; the difference between them will he the value of the tempo 
rary annuity. (Art. 137.) 
Example. What is the present value of an annuity of £50 for the 
next 10 years, depending on the existence of the joint lives or of the 
survivor of two males aged 35 and 40 ? (Chester 3 per cent.) 
= 16.9758 
= 15.6537 
32.. 6295 
« 35 ,40 = 12.2160 
By the last example hut one the value off ^ 
the deferred annuity is J * 
423.425 =£423 8 6. 
152. Suppose A entitled to an annuity to he entered upon at the 
expiration of d years, and then to continue during the existence of a 
life now aged m, and B to enter upon a similar annuity at the expiration 
of d -j- n years, the difference between the two will be the value of an 
annuity to be entered upon at the expiration of d years, and then to 
continue n years, subject to the existence of a life now aged m, viz,: 
Its value is r d . « m+i

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