The present value of £l to he received at the end of n years, pro
vided a life now aged rn, survive that term, is-
lm-i-n if
the annual premium for the same, payable n years at the beginning of
each year is
The value of £l to be received at the end of the year in which a life
aged m shall die, provided that event happen within n years, or to be
received at the end of n years if the life survive that time is
M,„ _ l _ U?n-fn ' -^dm+n
The annual premium is
M m -f" —* lVX m ^. n
N ZIn ’
x ' m—1 ^ m+n -1
On One Life after the failure of another.
The single premium for an annuity on a life aged m after the failure
of another aged m x , is
O'm ^m, vi\ 9
the annual premium for the same is
On One Life after the failure of the Joint Existence of two others.
The value of an annuity on a life aged m after the failure of the joint
existence of two others aged m x and m. 2 , is
a m n, m\, m 2 >
the annual premium for the same is
f “1” V/i, m\, ill.>
On One Life after the decease of the last Survivor of two others.
The value of an annuity on a life aged m, after the death of the last
survivor of two others aged m, and m 2 , is
O'U ei rn . nr[ mi, «¡2 >
the annual premium for the same is