Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Vol. 1)

Value of £l annuity at 24 = 17.9830 
do. do. 36 = 15.7288 
do. do. 56 = 10.8826 
do. on 3 joint lives byl _ * qQg3 
last example j — 
1081770~ = ^1087.15 6. 
Annuity at 24 and 36 = 12.4081 
do. 24 and 56 = 9.3224 
do. 36 and 56 = 8.9168 
Deferred Annuity. 
To find the value of a deferred annuity on a single life. 
Find the value of the annuity of £l in the table opposite to the age 
which the life will attain when the annuity is entered upon, multiply 
it by the number of living in the table at the same age, and by the value 
of £l due at the end of as many years as the annuity is deferred, and 
divide by the living at the present age. 
Or, divide the number in column N opposite the age the life will 
attain when the annuity is entered upon, by the number in column D 
opposite to the present age. 
Example. What is the present value of £50 per annum to be 
entered- upon at the end of seven years, and then to continue until the 
death of an individual now aged 43 ? (Carlisle 4 per cent.) 
By Table 1, the number living at the age of 43 is 4869, and at 
the age of 50 the number is 4397, and the present value of £l due at 
the end of seven years is .759918, Table 4. 
The present value of £l per annum at the age of 50 is 12.8690; 
12.8690 x . 759918 X ^^=8.8313=value of deferred annuity of £l, 
and 8.8313 x 50=441.565=£441 11 3=value required. 
Or thus: 
The number in column N at the age of 50, is 7962.236 
and in column D at the age of 43, is 901.584 
. 7962.236 , f 
• • 8*8313=value of deferred annuity of ¿fcl, 
8.8313X50=441.565=£441 11 3, as before.

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