small circle about this point, when described in the counter-clockwise
sense, goes over into a small oval about (?/ 0 , v 0 ), likewise described in
the counter-clockwise sense. But when the sense is reversed, the
Jacobian is negative.
34. Let
u =f(x, y, *), v = y, z), w = ip(x, y, z),
d(u, v, w) ^ 0
d(x, y, z)
the usual conditions of continuity being assumed in the neighbor
hood of (x 0 , y 0 , z 0 ). Show that the Jacobian is positive at (» 0 , y 0 , z 0 )
if the positive directions of the curvilinear coordinates (w, v, w) are
oriented there as the positive directions of the (x, y, ^-coordinates;
otherwise, the Jacobian is negative.
35. If F(u, v, x, y) and v, x, y) are two functions which satisfy
the conditions of § 10, show that
8_(F l ^_
d(u,v) = d(x,y)
d(x,y) d(F,$)
8 (u, v)
Is the corresponding theorem true in the general case, n — n?