Auxiliary Variables. As in the case of functions of a single varia
ble, so here it frequently happens that it is best to express the
quantity to be made a maximum or a minimum in terms of more
variables than are necessary, one or more relations existing between
these variables. The student must, therefore, in all cases begin by
considering how many independent variables there are, and then write
down all the relations between the letters that enter; and he must
make up his mind as to what letters he will take as independent
variables before he begins to differentiate.
Example 2. What is the volume of the greatest rectangular paral
lelepiped that can be inscribed in the ellipsoid:
+ y+
b 2
We assume that the faces are to be parallel to the coordinate
planes and thus obtain for the volume:
V = 8 xyz.
But x, y, z cannot all be chosen at pleasure. They are connected by
the relation (2). So the number of independent variables is here
two, and we may take them as x and y. We have, then:
= 8 y[z + »v]= 0,
From (2) we obtain :
dV q f , dz, n
= 8x1 z + y — )= 0.
oy V °Vj
dz c 2 y
By b 2 z
Now, neither x = 0 nor y — 0 can lead to a solution of the problem,
and hence it follows from (3) and (4) that
n2 o*2 _ c 2 ?/ 2 A
z - V = 0 ’
c L x L n
z — = 0,
a 2 z
b 2 z
V _ z
b 2 c 2
Thus the parallelepiped whose vertices lie at the intersections
of these lines with the ellipsoid, i.e. on the diagonals of the cir
cumscribed parallelepiped x = ± a, y = ± b, z = ± c, is the one
required,* and its volume is
F= f V3 abc.
* The reasoning, given at length, is as follows. V is a continuous positive
function of x and y at all points within the ellipse
* 2 , V 2 _
(j! i) J