Full text: Advanced calculus

the equations of two curves, then u + kv = 0 (where ft is a constant) 
represents a curve which passes through all the points of intersec 
tion of the given curves. Applying this principle to the curves (4), 
we see that a third curve through P is given by the equation 
(5) f{x, y, ao + Acc) - f(x, y, a 0 ) = 0. 
The left-hand side has the value Accfjx, y, cc 0 + $ Acc) (Law of 
the Mean, Chap. V, § 2). Hence the coordinates of P satisfy the 
(6) fa(x, y, Uq -f- 0 Ace) == 0. 
Now let Ace approach 0 as its limit. The point P approaches the 
point of tangency of the first curve (4) with the envelope, and the 
left-hand side of (6) approaches f a (x, y, ce 0 ). Hence the equation 
/«(*» V’ «o)= 0 
represents a second curve passing through the point of tangency of 
the first curve (4) with the envelope. Thus we obtain the 
Theorem. The envelope of the family of curves 
f{x, y, cc)= 0 
is given by the pair of equations 
( 7 ) fix, y, a) = 0, = f a (x, y, a) = 0. 
Example 1. 
we get : 
Applying formulas (7) to the family of circles (1) 
ff = —2(z-«)=0. 
Equations (7) now tell us that the envelope is given by the pair of 
{x — cc) 2 + y 2 = 1, x — « = 0. 
These equations are equivalent to the single equation obtained by 
eliminating a : 
y 2 = 1, or y = 1 and y = — 1. 
The analytic result is seen to correspond with the geometric evi 
Example 2. To find the envelope of the family of ellipses whose 
axes coincide and whose areas are constant. 

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