C being the boundary of an arbitrary region 2 lying in S, then
dP = dQ
dy ox
at every point of S.
Suppose the theorem false. Then the continuous function
dy dx
must be different from 0 at some interior point A of S, and hence
must be either positive at every point of a suitably chosen neighbor
hood of A (say, throughout the interior of a small circle about A,
lying wholly in S) or else negative throughout such a region. But
then the double integral of ((7), § 4, could not vanish when extended
over this region; and since the line integral which forms the right-
hand side of (0) vanishes by hypothesis, we are led to a contradic
tion. Hence the theorem is established.
1. Prove by an example that the following theorem is false : Let
P and Q be two functions which satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1 ;
and let C be a simple closed curve lying in S. Then
Pdx 4- Qcly — 0.
2. Let S be a ring-shaped region bounded by the curves C x and
C 2 , and let P and Q satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1 in S. Then
j Pdx + Q dy
Pdx -f Q dy,
where each integral is extended in the clock-wise sense over C x
or 0 2 .
6. Simply and Multiply Connected Regions. By a simply connected
region is meant a region such that no closed curve drawn in the
region contains in its interior a boundary point of the region. All
other regions are called multiply connected.
Thus a square or an ellipse is simply connected; more generally,
the interior of any simple closed curve, together with the boundary,
forms a simply connected region. It is not necessary that the
region be finite. The whole plane, or a half-plane, or the region
bounded by two rays which emanate from a point, or the (x, y)-plane