and along C, dx and dy are the same as along I\*
Let ^ (x, y)=P [«, y, a> (x, y)~\ + R [x, y, o> (x, y)] (a?, y),
y)= Q[x, V, «(«, 2/)] + y, w («, y)] u>2(x y y).
Then (3) becomes
(4) / ? dx + O dy.
This integral can be written in the form (§ 4, C):
(6) XAt-fb'-
The integrand of the last integral is seen to have the value:
(6) |p _!!= Q, _ p 2 + ( q 3 - , + (b, _ p 3 )^,
where the subscripts against the letters P, Q, R indicate derivatives
taken on the hypothesis that (as, y, z) are the independent variables.
Let the positive sense of the normal to S be defined as that for
which the direction angle y is acute. Then
cos a = — aq/A, cos/? = — w 2 /A, cosy = l/A, A = Vl + <oi -f <o|-
Hence the integral (5) can, by the aid of (6), be written in the form
f f KQi— -Pj) + (-Ra — Q3) Acosa+(P 3 — Ri) Acos/SfdS'.
* A fuller explanation of this point is as follows. Let C be given in the para
metric form :
C: x =/(\), 2/ = 0(X) z = f(X), O^X^l.
Then the integral (1) becomes
J(Px' + Qy'+ Rz')d\.
But from (1)
Z 1 = UiX 1 + u 2 y'.
Hence this integral has the value
^{(P + Rw{)x> +(Q + Rw 2 )y 1 } d\. •
On the other hand, the curve r is represented by the equations
r: * =/(X), V = 0(X),
Hence the last integral is the same as the integral (3).
0 < X < 1.