We have treated K as constant, and it is so for ordinary substances
and moderate variations in temperature. The Hypothesis includes
the case, however, that K is a continuous function of x, y, z, t.
Show that the lines of flow are given by the simultaneous system
of differential equations:
dx _dy _ dz
du du du
dx dy dz
13. A New Heat Problem. If a homogeneous substance be raised
from the constant initial temperature u 0 to the constant final tem
perature u x , the quantity of heat required, Q, will be proportional to
the rise in temperature and the volume :
Q oc Ui — u 0 , V;
Q == C(u 1 -u 0 )V,
• (9)
where C is a physical constant depending on the substance, the
specific heat per unit of volume.
If, now, an arbitrary homogeneous substance be raised from the
continuous initial temperature w 0 to the continuous final temperature
?q, the amount of heat required will be
as is shown by the usual procedure of the integral calculus.
Consider an arbitrary flow of heat. Let the temperature,
u=f(x, y, z, t)
be Uq when t = t 0 and u x when t = + Ah The quantity of heat
required to produce this change is given by (10), where for Q we
now write AQ.
On the other hand,
U\ Uq — Atf(Xj y, z, t Q -f- 0 A/),
0 < 6 < 1.