In a similar manner we can iind a second solution of (1). Sub
tract e™ 2 * from e m ' x ; tlie result is
2 V— i e~ ax sin yx.
It is true that this result is imaginary, but only through the
presence of an imaginary constant factor, 2 V — 1. Suppress this
factor and consider the function
y = e~ ax sin yx.
On substituting this function into the given differential equation,
as was done with the function (6), we find that (7) also satisfies that
equation, and thus we have the best of all proofs that (7) is a solu
tion — that of direct substitution. • For, a function that satisfies a
differential equation is a solution, no matter how obscure its origin •
and one that does not satisfy it is not a solution, no matter how
illustrious its pedigree may seem to have been.
We have introduced this bit of eighteenth century mathematics
partly to give a motif for the two solutions (6) and (7) ; partly to
show how mathematicians obtained true results from working with
V— 1, long before they knew how to define that number. They
divined its importance, but they did not yet have the vision to give
it existence through definition, as is seen from a remark of Leib
niz in the year 1702*: “Die imaginären Zahlen sind eine feine und
wunderbare Zuflucht des göttlichen Geistes, beinahe ein Ampliibium
zwischen Sein und Nichtsein.”
Equations of the n-th Order. The method can be extended at once
to the equation
dx n dx n ~ l
+ «»y = o,
where the a’s are constants. On substituting y = e mx we find that
this function is a solution provided m is a root of the algebraic
(9) m" + cqm" -1 + ••• + a n = 0.
If this equation has n real and distinct roots, m 1? •••, m B , the
general solution of (8) will be
(10) y=c ie"i*+ ••• + c n e m “ x .
If one of the roots of (9) is imaginary,
m l =p + q V— 1,
* Klein, Elementarmathematik vom höheren Standpunkte aus, 3d ed., vol. I,
p. 61.