Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

The above functions may be transformed by means of the identical equation 
B.(V, wo=irt*(F, W), 
to make use of which, it is only necessary to remark the general formula 
^i K Vi lx Z/v/Bk (V* W) = B k (l*nf V, IF). 
Thus, if k = 1, we obtain for the above series, the new forms 
ac — b 2 , 
(ae — bd) — 3 (bd — c 2 ), 
(ag — bf) — 5 (bf — ce) + 10 (ce - d 2 ), 
(ai - bh) — 7 (bh — eg) + 21 (eg — df) — 35 (df— e 2 ), 
the law of which is evident. This shows also that these functions may be linearly 
expressed by means of the series of determinants 
| a, b 
b, c j 
We may also immediately deduce from them the derivatives B which relate to two 
functions. For example, for functions of the sixth order this is 
ag' + a'g — 6 (bf' + b'f) + 15 (ce' + e'e) — 20 dd', 
which has an obvious connection with 
ag — 66/+ 15ce — 10iZ 2 ; 
and the same is the case for functions of any order. 
The following theorem is easily verified; but I am unacquainted with the general 
theory to which it belongs. 
“If TJ, V are any functions of the second order, and W = \U + gV\ then 
W), B, ( W, IF)] = 0 
(where B 2 ' relates to g) is the same that would be obtained by the elimination of 
x, y between U= 0, V = 0.” (See Note 1 .) 
In fact this becomes 
4 (ac — b 2 ) (a'c' — b' 2 ) — (ac' + a'c — 2bb') 2 — 0, 
which is one of the forms under which the result of the elimination of the variables 
from two quadratic equations may be written. This is a result for which I am 
indebted to Mr Boole. 
j a, b, c &c. 
! b, c, d 
1 Not given with the present paper.

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