By eliminating w, v from these equations and the former system, it is easy to obtain
(o' = a 0 + b U,
v = a'O + b' U,
a' = - (a'B' - g'A'), V = - - (a'B - €'A).
p p
a =
The coefficients a, b, a!, b' are integers, as is obvious from the equation p,(a'B— £’A)
= p{L’a — lA'), and the others analogous to it; moreover, a, b' are odd and a', b are
even, and
ab' - a'b = - 1 - {A'B - A'B) (a§' - a'g) ;
ab' — a’b = 1.
that is
Hence the theorem,—“ The general values <u', v of the complete functions are
linearly connected with the particular system of values 0, U by the equations,
(o' = aO + bU, v'=a'0 + b'U, in which a, b' are odd integers and a', b even ones,
satisfying the condition ab' — a'b = 1.”
With this relation between 0, U and co', v', it is easy to show that the function
is precisely the same, whether 0, U or &/, v be taken for the complete functions.
In fact, stating the proposition relatively to (fix, we have,—“ The inverse function <f)x
is not altered by the change of w, v into &/, v, where w' = aw + §v, v = a'tw + §'v,
and a, £, a.', §' satisfy the conditions that a, §' are odd, a', £ even, and a€' — a'§ = 1.”
This is immediately shown by writing
mw + nv = m'w' + n'v ,
m = m'a + n'a',
n = m'S + n'G'.
It is obvious that to each set of values of m, n there is a unique set of values of
m, n, and vice versa : also that odd or even values of m, m' or n, n' always corre
spond to each. It is, in fact, the preceding reasoning applied to the case of p= 1.
Hence finally the theorem,—“ The only conditions for determining &>', v are the
where a, £' are odd and a', § even, and
a§' — a'§ = p, /x§' — va' = I'p, — va= Ip,
l and V arbitrary integers: and it is absolutely indifferent what system of values is
adopted for w', v, the value of fax is precisely the same.”