Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

76. On the Triple Tangent Planes of Surfaces of the Third Order 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. iv. (1849), pp. 118—132 
77. On the order of certain Systems of Algebraical Equations 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. iv. (1849), pp. 132—137 
78. Note on the Motion of Rotation of a Solid of Revolution . 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. iv.' (1849), pp. 268—270 
79. On a System of Equations connected with Malfatti s Problem, 
and on another Algebraical System ..... 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. iv. (1849), pp. 270—275 
80. Sur quelques Transmutations des Lignes Courbes 
Liouville, t. xiv. (1849), pp. 40—46 
81. Addition au Memoire sur quelques Transmutations des Lignes 
Courbes ........... 
Liouville, t. xv. (1850), pp. 351—356 
82. On the Triadic Arrangements of Seven and Fifteen Things 
Phil. Mag. t. xxxvii. (1850), pp. 50—53 
*83. On Curves of Double Curvature and Developable Surfaces 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. v. (1850), pp. 18—22 
84. On the Developable Surfaces which arise from two Surfaces of 
the Second Order ......... 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. v. (1850), pp. 46—57 
85. Note on a Family of Curves of the Fourth Order 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. v. (1850), pp. 148—152 
86. On the Developable derived from an Equation of the Fifth Order 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. v. (1850), pp. 152—159 
*87. Notes on Elliptic Functions (from Jacobi) .... 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. v. (1850), pp. 201—204 
88. On the Transformation of an Elliptic Integral .... 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. v. (1850), pp. 204—206 
89. On the Attraction of Ellipsoids (Jacobis Method) 
Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jour. t. v. (1850), pp. 217—226 
Note sur quelques Formules relatives aux Coniques 
Crelle, t. xxxix. (1850), pp. 1—3 
Sur le Problème des Contacts .... 
Crelle, t. xxxix. (1850), pp. 4—13

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