Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

closely connected with the present subject. For some formulae also deduced from (63), 
i — a) (&(y — a)<&(x + y + a) . . 
by which ^sr-7 ^ ^ f is expressed in terms ol the function <6, see 
J (x + a) CS (y + a) Crr {x + y - a) Y Y ’ 
Note.—We have 
y ß x = 2:1111 ( 1 + 
(m, n) 
g ß x = IUI 11 + j= 
(ra, n)J ’ 
the limits of n being + q, and those of m being + p, in the first case, and p, —p — 1, 
in the second case. Also - = oo . 
We deduce immediately 
7/s \ æ + ö = ®+ô nn j 1 + 
x + 
{m, n) 
= nn ! 1 + 
X \ ' ü 
; Tl)) ' î 
co (m, n) 
2 (m, n) 
(paying attention to the omission of (m = 0, n = 0) in y$x, and supposing that this 
value enters into the numerator of the expression just obtained, but not into its 
denominator). This is of the form 
7 ,(, + |) = ^nn(i + ( ^) ; 
but the limits are not the same in this product and in g$x. In the latter m assumes 
the value —p — 1, which it does not in the former; hence 
7ß « +9ßX = A-r nj! + 
— (p + co + nvij ’ 
and the above product reduces itself to unity in consequence of all the values 
assumed by n being indefinitely small compared with the quantity (p + ^); we have 
and similar expressions for the remaining functions. To illustrate this further, suppose 
we had been considering, instead of y^x, the function y-px, given by the same formula, 
but with ^ = 0, instead of - = oo. We have in this case also 
q q 
7-/3 [ æ + s ) <7-/8 x — A' -f- n w 1 + 
( — P + i) w + wW ’ 
A' different from A on account of the different limits. The divisor of the second side 
takes the form 
{æ-(])+|)û)}Il(l + 
x-(p + $)co\ . 
+(-*>+*)«■ n (i +, 
V nvi 1

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