Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

Intersection of curves, 5 
Motion of solid body, 6, 36, 37, 68, 78 
Theory of algebraical curves, 10 
Analytical geometry of n dimensions, 11 
Curves and developables, 30, 83 
Geometrical involution, 40 
Geometry of position, 50, 55, 70, 95, 98 
Theory of Curves, 53 
Reciprocity, 61 
Transmutations of curves, 80, 81 
Distances of points, 1 
Lines of curvature of ellipsoid, 7 
Pascal’s theorem, 9 
Transformation of coordinates, 20 
Cubic curves, 26, 27 
Skew Cubics, theorem of Chasles’, 31 
Spherical coordinates, 32 
Theorem of Sir W. Thomson, Equimomental surfaces, 38 
Diametral planes of quadric surface, 39 
Caustic by reflexion of circle, 42 
Wave surface (Tetrahedroid), 47 
Centres of similitude of quadric surfaces, 51 
Theorem of Jacobi, Confocal surfaces, 56 
Theorem of Jellett, Attraction and surface of ellipsoid, 64 
Quadric surfaces, 71 
Abstract of memoir by Hesse, Quadric surfaces, 73 
Cubic surfaces, triple tangent planes, 76 
Developable from two quadric surfaces, 84 
Quartic curves, 85 
Developable from quintic curve, 86 
Formulae for two conics, 90 
Problem of contacts, 91 
Conics inscribed in a quadric surface, 96

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