[From the Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, vol. I. (1846), pp. 164—167.]
Let P, Q, R, be consecutive generating lines of a skew surface, and on these
take points p', p\ q', q; r', r such that pq', qr' are the shortest distances
between P and Q, Q and R, &c. Then for the generating line P, the ratio of the
inclination of the lines P, Q to the distance pq' is said to be “the torsion,” the angle
q'pq is said to be the deviation, and the ratio of the inclination of the planes Qpq' and
Qqr' to the inclination of P and Q is said to be the “skew curvature.” And similarly
for any other generating line; so that the torsion and deviation depend on the position
of the consecutive line, and the skew curvature on the position of the two consecutive
lines. The curve pqr is said to be the minimum distance curve [or curve of
striction]. [When the skew surface degenerates into a developable surface, the torsion
is infinite, the deviation a right angle, the skew curvature proportional to the curva
ture of the principal section, i.e. it is the distance of a point from the edge of re
gression, multiplied into the reciprocal of the radius of curvature, a product which is
evidently constant along a generating line. Also the curve of minimum distance becomes
the edge of regression.} A skew surface, considered independently of its position in
space, is determined when for each generating line we know the torsion, deviation,
and skew curvature. For, assuming arbitrarily the line P and the point p, also the
plane in which pq' lies, the position of Q is completely determined from the given
torsion and deviation; and then Q being known, the position of R is completely de
termined from the skew curvature for P, and the torsion and deviation for Q; and
similarly the consecutive generating lines are to be determined.
Two skew surfaces are said to be “deformations” of each other, when for correspond
ing generating lines the torsion is always the same. Thus a surface will be deformed if
considering the elements between the successive generating lines P, Q as rigid, these