Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

power, it is worth while to remark that, by first transforming the |n th power into an 
exponential, and then reducing as above (thus avoiding the general differentiation), we 
should have obtained 
U = 
„ N ^ ri eld ds d^- 1 e~° < S +J +2W > s-*-« (s + e~ 
r (i~?) r (2^ + ^) r (Ì^-^) io Jo 
which reduces itself to the equation (14) by simply performing the integration with 
respect to 6; thus establishing the formula beyond doubt \ The integral may evidently 
be effected in finite terms when either q or q — ^ is integral. Thus for instance in the 
simplest case of all, or when q = — 
Trim—d 1 r - dxdy... 
U== vT$(n + l) (j + 2 uv)* {n ~v ~ J- 00 (x 2 + y 2 ...+ v 2 )* (w+1) {(x - a) 2 + ... u 2 }^ n ~v 5 
a formula of which several demonstrations have already been given in the Journal. 
The following is a demonstration, though an indirect one, of the formula (11): in 
the first place 
j' X {V(s + 4uv) + V+ {V(g + 4uv) — e _ 6s 
Jo \Zs\Z(s + 4<uv) 
= 2r (f~ g ) 6 " e2UV - r (4u 2 v 2 + xy-ie i6 *dx (16), 
Vtt (4mv) 2 3 Jo 
(where as usual i = \J — 1) : to prove this, we have 
j °° (4mV + x 2 )i~ì e iex dx = YjTZg) / dx / dt e ~' '*** + * ) ^ 
r (W) 
di r 1 -® ér 4wVi -s ; 
or, putting 4wr \]t — J(s + 4?tv) ± V« (which is a transformation already employed in the 
present paper), the formula required follows immediately. 
Now, by a formula due to M. Catalan, but first rigorously demonstrated by M. 
cos ax dx or 
f q- (a+2z) (g _j_ a )«-i z n 1 dz, 
J 0 
'o (l+x 2 ) n (IV) 2 
(Liouville, t. vili. [1843] p. 1), and by a slight modification in the form of this equation 
j (4u 2 v 2 + x 2 )^ e iex dx = ^ ^ j s-«-* (s + 4uv)-®-* e~ 0H ds, 
which, compared with (16), gives the required equation. 
1 A paper by M. Schlômilch “Note sur la variation des constantes arbitraires d’une Integrale definie,” 
Creile, t. xxxiii. [1846], pp. 268—280, will be found to contain formulée analogous to some of the preceding ones.

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