Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

Let the variable x, on the second side of the equation, be replaced by cf>, where 
f +h ‘ . 
f + A ! + <i>’ 
we have without difficulty 
dV _ , hli J ... 7f jn a f 00 d(f) 
da = ~ {n ~ Z) r (inr~ J 0 (T+FT^TV^ ’ 
where & = (£ + h 2 + <f>) (g + h 2 + (f>)... 
and similarly 
dV_ i) ,hh / ... 7r~ n b f x dcf) 
Ob (n_ ' T(ih)' Jo(T+W+W7®’ 
From these values it is easy to verify the equation 
y _ (tt — 2) hh / ... 7r* n f 00 / a 2 b 2 \ dcf) 
2T(JtX) Jo \ £ + h 2 + <f> t; + h 2 + <f> ) 
For this evidently verifies the above values of 
vanishes; and we have 
> &c. if only the term ^ di; 
dV_ (n — 2) hh / ... 7r in f” d / a 2 \ 1 
dç ~ 2r (in) Jo 0 ‘ di V f+¥Tt 7$ ; 
or, observing that 
d a a 2 \ 1 d /- a 2 \ 1 
and taking the integral from 0 to oo , 
dV (n — 2)hh / ... ir in / a 2 b 2 \ 1 
2r(in) V |+/i 2 f + V''7V{(f+>)(^ + /q 2 )...} ’ 
in virtue of the equation which determines 
No constant has been added to the value of V, since the two sides of the- 
equation vanish as they should do for a, b... infinite, for which values £ is also infinite 
and the quantity 
1 - 
Ç+h 2 +<f> 
which is always less than 
, vanishes. 
Hence, restoring the values of V and <ï>, 
//-< * times) 
dx dy ... 
(n — 2) hh / ... nt 
2F (in) 
in /.00 
{(a-x) 2 + (6- y) 2 1 
b 2 
f+/t ! +0 f + v+0 "V V{(? + ^ + <M(f+ V + 4>)-l

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