= 2_"2_* ... П cos rm П (2 cosrxA)/(A 1( A 2 ...).
Now, between the limits 0 and nr, the function
f f e « V (—i) | cos | 6 mV(-1)|
will always be expansible in a series of multiple cosines of u; and if by any algebraical
process the function fp cos rxp can be expanded in the form
fp cos rxp = 2 - * a g p 8 , (or* = a_ g ) (5);
we have, in a convergent series,
y{ 6 «V(—Dj cosr% {e MV(-1) } = a 0 + 22* a* cos su (6).
Again, putting ^ {1 — Jl - e 2 } = A (T),
we have z—-—-— = 1 + 22* A? cospu (8).
1 — e cos u 1
Multiplying these two series, and effecting the integration, we obtain
1 ("Jl- e’f {e“*g>j cos «xi«“' 1 -» 1 du _ 2 „ 2 . , v) )
Э 1/ ^ 1 ' ' '
1 — e cos и
and the second side of this equation being obviously derived from the expansion of
f\ cos r^A by rejecting negative powers of A and dividing by 2, the term independent
of A may conveniently be represented by the notation
2/A cos r%A (10) ;
where in general, if ГА can be expanded in the form
ГА = 2_* (M S A S )> [A- S = A S ]
we have
Гл. = £ M 0 + 2* M g A s
(By what has preceded, the expansion of TA in the above form is always possible
in a certain sense; however, in the remainder of the present paper, TA will always
be of a form to satisfy the equation F J = TA, except in cases which will afterwards
be considered, where the condition A_ s = A g is unnecessary.)
Hence, observing the equations (4), (9), (10),
Jl - e a /{e wV <- 1) }
J — 1 e w ^ (-1) x {e MV(-1) } (1 — e cos u)
= 2_* cos m 2 cos r^A/A (13) ;
from which, assuming a system of equations analogous to (1), and representing by n (d>)
the product d^dA ... , it is easy to deduce
Jl — e 2
\J — 1 € i,V(-1) x {e ,tV(-1) }(l — e cos u)
l/| 6 MiV(-D } e « 2 v