Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

where it will be remembered that p, q,... are linear functions (with constant terms) 
of (n — 1) variables y, these last mentioned quantities being themselves functions 
of (n — 2) variables 0, &c. such that 1 — y 2 — £ 2 — ... = 0 identically. If besides we suppose 
1 'ff' 
that <E> = Ip 2 + mq 2 + ... reduces itself to the form p~ q~ &c., we have, by the formula 
of the paper “ On the Simultaneous Transformation of two Homogeneous Equations of 
the Second Order,” [74], 
(to 2 + 18 — IX) ((ù 2 + m8 — mX) ... f 1 
which is true, whatever be the value of X. 
Pa 2 
m 2 b 2 
It seems difficult to proceed further with the general formula, and I shall suppose 
71 = 3, i = 0, h = 1, (x, y...) h =x, or write 
y f xdxdy dz 
J (nr? 4- nfl 4- 
(x 2 +y~ + z 2 ) 
the equation of the limits being 
l(x — a) 2 + m(y — b) 2 + n (z — cf = k. 
Here we may assume y = cos 6, £ = sin 0, (values which give S = 1). And we have 
aPd(o f (a + a! cos 0 + a" sin 0) d0 
K* J 1 cos 2 0 sin 2 0 
Q R 
from 0 = 0 to 0 = 27t ; or, what comes to the same thing. 
aPdœ i ocd0 
from 0 — 0 to 0 = ¿7T. Hence 
V = 477 
] 1 cos 2 0 sin 2 0 ’ 
p Q~ 
ouo 2 P\/(QR) do) 
\/{{P - Q) (P-R)} ’ 
we have from the formulae of the paper before quoted, 
„ QR (B- mP) (G-nP) - F 2 
K (P-Q)(P-B) ' 
B, C, F, being the coefficients of y 2 , z 2 , yz in yfr (x, y, z), viz. 
B = (o 2 + m8 — m 2 b 2 , G = a» 2 + n8 — n 2 c 2 , F = mnbc ; 
and consequently 
V — 477 I co 2 da> 
PQR \(B- mP) (G - nP) - F 2 }* 
(P — Q)(P — R) 

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