where the last eighteen lines have been divided into two systems of nine each. The
five planes through (ab. cd. ef\ may be considered as cutting the surface in
ab; (ab.cf.ed\,
cd; (af.cd.eb\,
ef \ (ad.cb.ef\,
(ad.cf.eb\; (af.cb.ed) 3 ,
(ad .cf. eb) 3 ; (af.cb.ed\,
(which supposes however that the distinguishing suffixes 1, 2, 3, are added to the
different planes according to a certain rule). And similarly for the lines in the planes
through the other lines represented by symbols of the like form. The five planes
through ab intersect the surface in the lines
(ab. cd.
e /)i>
(ab. cf. ed) }
(ab. cd.
e/) 2 ,
(ab. cf. ed)<
(ab. cd.
ef) s>
(ab. cf. ed).
and similarly for the planes through the other lines represented by symbols of a like
Observing that rj, Ç, correspond to b, d, f and w, 6, Ü, to a, c, e respectively,
ab corresponds to the intersection of w and f, i.e. to a^, &c. ; also (ab.cd.ef) 1 ,
(ab. cd. ef) 2 , (ab.cd.ef) 3 correspond to three lines meeting a 1 , b 2 , and c 3 , i.e. to
a 5 , a 7 , a 9 , &c. ; and. the system of the twenty-seven lines as last written down corre
sponds to the system,
a 1}
b 1}
Ci )
b 2 ,
c 2 ,
a 7 ,
a g ,
b 5 ,
b 7 ,
b 9 ,
c 5 ,
c 7 ,
C9 y
a 4 ,
Cts y
b t ,
b 6 ,
b s ,
c 4 ,
c 6 >
c 8 .
The investigations last given are almost complete in themselves as the geometrical
theory of the subject: there is however some difficulty in seeing d priori the nature
of the correspondence between the planes which determines which are the planes which
ought to be distinguished with the same one of the symbolic numbers, 1, 2, 3.