Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

Now from the equation (1), we have the system 
fx +gy + hz = 0 (6), 
fdx + gdy -f hdx =0, 
fd n ~-x + gd n ~ 2 y + hd n ~-z = 0, 
or writing X= y , z , (7), 
dy , dz , ... 
d n ~ 2 y, d n ~ 2 z, ... 
with analogous expressions for Y, Z ; then from the equations (6),/, g, h are 
proportional to X, Y, Z : or, eliminating by (2), 
H(X, Y, Z ) = 0 (8). 
Conversely the integral of the equation (8) of the order (n - 2) is given either bv 
the system of equations (1), (2), in which it is evident that the number of arbitrarv 
constants is reduced to (n^- 2); or, by the equation (5), which contains in appearance 
n (ft — 2) arbitrary constants, but which we have seen is equivalent in reality to the 
system (1), (2). 
Thus, with three variables, the integral of 
11 (ydz — zdy, zdx — xdz, xdy — ydx) = 0 (9) 
may be expressed in the form 
H {yzi “ Vi z > zx i ~ z i®, ~ any) = 0 (Kl), 
and also in the form fx + gy + hz=0 (ll) ? 
where H (f g, A) = 0 (12). 
The above principles afford an elegant mode of integrating the differential equation 
for the lines of curvature of an ellipsoid. The equation in question is 
(6- — c‘ 2 ) xdydz + (c 2 — a 2 ) yd zdx + (a 2 — b 2 ) zdxdy = 0 (13), 
where x, y, z are connected by 
X 2 
a 2 
these become 
(l) 2 — c 2 ) udvdw + (c 2 — a 2 ) vdwdn + (a 2 — b 2 ) wdudv = 0 
u+ v + w = 1 

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