Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

employed, therefore, even when several consecutive terms of the series t, t' are 
equal. It will be convenient also to assume that p — in is not negative, or at least 
for greater simplicity to examine this case in the first place. 
u, U, and v, V, contain terms of the form x a yPU, xvy s V, a + (3 :}> p — m, y + 8 p — n; 
jL)II contains terms of this form, and in addition terms for which a + /3=p + l — m, 
ry q- 8 = p +1 — n. It is useless to repeat the former terms, so that we may assume for p, 
a homogeneous function of the order p — m — n + t +1, or p — m+ 1 ; in which case jjII 
consists only of terms for which a + /3 = p + 1 — m, y + 8 = p + 1 — n. And the general 
expression of p contains p — m — n + t + 2, or p — m + 2, arbitrary constants. Similarly 
p II' contains terms of the form of those in uTJ, vV, pTl, and also terms for which 
a + /3 = p + 2 — m, y+8 = p+2—n) the latter terms only need be considered, or p may 
be assumed to be a homogeneous function of the order p —m — n + t' + 2, or p — m + 1, 
containing therefore p-m-n — t'+ 3, or p — m + 2 arbitrary constants. 
Similarly p lk ~ 1} contains p — m — n + t {k ~ 1] + k + 1 or p — m+2 arbitrary constants. 
fp — m — n + t + 2\ (p —m — n + t' + 3\ (p — in — n + + Jc + 1\ n 
^ \p — m + 2 /~\p — m + 2 \p — m + 2 ) 
where, in forming the value of V the least of the two quantities in ( ) is to be 
taken ; this value also, if negative, being replaced by zero. The number of arbitrary 
constants in p, p' ... g) {k -v is consequently equal to V. 
The numbers of arbitrary constants in a, v, are respectively 
[1 +2 + (p — 771 + 1)} and [1 +2 + (p — n+ 1)} 
i.e. \ (p - in + 1) (p - m + 2), and |(p — n + 1) (p - ti + 2) ; 
thus the whole number of arbitrary constants in W, diminished by unity (since nothing 
is gained in generality, by leaving the coefficient (for instance of if ) indeterminate, 
instead of supposing it equal to unity) becomes 
(p — in+ 1) (p — m + 2) + i (p — ii + 1) (p - 11 + 2) + V — 1, 
reducible to 
|p (p + 3) + £ (p — 777- - n + 1) (p — 7?i — n + 2) — inn + V. 
By the reasonings contained in the paper already referred to, if p + k -in - n+\ 
be positive, to find the number of really disposable constants in W, we must subtract 
from this number a number | (p + k - in — 11 + 1) (p + k — in - 71 + 2). Hence, calling </> 
the number of disposable constants in W, we have 
0 = 2P (P + 3) + 2 (P ~ m ~ 11 + 1) (P ~ 171 — 71 + 2) inn + V - A (11), 
where A = 0, if p + k — in -77 + 1 be negative or zero (12), 
A — | (p + k — m — 71 + 1) (p + k — in — 71 + 2), 
if p + k — in — n+1 be positive; and y is given by the equation (9).

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