Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

The second theorem gives the condition in the case where the conics are replaced 
by the circles x 2 + y 2 — R 2 = 0 and (x — of + y 2 — r 2 = 0, the discriminant being in this case 
— (1 + £) {r 2 + £ (r 2 + R 2 — a 2 ) + g 2 R 2 }. 
As a very simple example, suppose that the circles are concentric, or assume 
a = 0; the square root of the discriminant is here 
(1 + f) Vr 2 + ; 
and putting for shortness — = a, we may write 
A + B£ + ... = (1 + £) Vl + a£, 
that is, A= 1, B = ^a + 1, C = — ±a 2 + %a 2 , D = ^ a 3 -±a 2 , E = - a 4 + -faa 3 , &c.; 
thus in the case of the pentagon, 
GE — D 2 = JT fo « 4 {(« - 4) (5a - 8) - 4 (a - 2) 2 } 
== ToV? 0,4 ( a “ — 12a + 16), 
and the required condition therefore is 
a 2 -12a+16 = 0. 
It is clear that, in the case in question, 
¿=cos 36° = i(V5 + l), 
that is, ^ = Vs — 1, or (R + r) 2 — or 2 — 0, 
viz. (Va + l) 2 — 5 = 0, or a + 2 Va — 4 = 0, 
the rational form of which is 
a 2 — 12a + 16 = 0, 
and we have thus a verification of the theorem for this particular case. 
2 Stone Buildings, Oct. 10, 1853.

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